Takao Nagai Concrete Restoration transitions to become known as Bulley & Andrews Concrete Restoration (BACR)
Takao Nagai Concrete Restoration, of the region’s most renowned restoration firms announces its intent to adopt a new name. Effective January 1, 2015, the firm is now known as Bulley & Andrews Concrete Restoration (BACR).
Based in Chicago and operating as a subsidiary of Bulley & Andrews, BACR employs over 50 project managers and field personnel with a regional focus and a national reach servings projects thorough the continental United States.
BACR’s expertise is rooted in horizontal concrete restoration, repairs and waterproofing serving both public and private sector clientele. Notable projects include US Cellular Field expansion joint replacement, 10 S. and 120 S. Riverside Plaza restoration, Northwestern University’s Ryan Field façade restoration and Marina City’s annual maintenance.
The name transition will more closely align BACR’s services with that of its parent company, Bulley & Andrews – one of the region’s oldest and most accomplished construction firms.
The firm will maintain its operations from 1755 W. Armitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois. Under the direction of Don Redar, division manager, BACR will continue to build on its strong reputation for excellence and innovation in the restoration and preservation arm of the building trades.